25.09.2024 03:58
In transit - Outbound
24.09.2024 22:44
Arrival at Delivery Office
Korean airlines
24.09.2024 17:29
Processed Through Facility
Cuddalore Old Town S.O
24.09.2024 12:15
Arrival at the Destination
United States, NORTH SALT LAKE, 84054
24.09.2024 07:00
Item successfully delivered
Beijing international mail exchange station, BeijingCity
24.09.2024 01:46
Airline arrived at transit country or district
Huizhou city
23.09.2024 20:31
Shipment is out for delivery
ORANGE, CA, 92868
23.09.2024 15:17
Inbound in sorting center
TX, IRVING, 75038
23.09.2024 10:02
Arrived at USPS Regional Facility
United States, OAKLAND, 94621
23.09.2024 04:48
Dispatched from Office of Exchange
Bathubazar SO
22.09.2024 23:33
Label Created
HOUSTON, TX, 77032
22.09.2024 18:19
Dispatched from Office of Exchange
22.09.2024 13:04
In transit to transfer hub
22.09.2024 07:50
Item Delivered
22.09.2024 02:35
Hand over to airline
Guangzhou international mail exchange station, Guangzhou city
Tracking numbers examples: